Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hilary Clinton for the Democratic ballad

We know that during every election you will always hear how the candidates want to better the United States and the citizens. However, I believe that with Hilary Clinton we will actually see results. Not counting her husband's distasteful scandals; Bill Clinton actually helped this nation with medical assistance and tax breaks. Similar can be said for the current Bush in office but once can also argue that he was more focused on the battle against Iraq than the main issues.

However, back to the topic at hand. I believe that Hilary will be a great choice for being placed on the ballad and also being elected to the President office. She will be able to obtain approvals for polocies and ideas that can help this nation.

From Wikipedia there is a statment showing some of her accomplishments and activities as well as other parts of her past. Quoted directly from Wikipedia: "In 1997 and 1999, Clinton played a role in advocating for the establishment of the State Children's Health Insurance Program, the Adoption and Safe Families Act, and the Foster Care Independence Act. She became the only First Lady to be subpoenaed, testifying before a federal grand jury as a consequence of the Whitewater controversy in 1996. She was never charged with any wrongdoing in this or several other investigations during her husband's administration. The state of her marriage to Bill Clinton was the subject of considerable public discussion following the Lewinsky scandal in 1998."

She has had enough accomplishments and ideas be recommended for the President's chair and I believe she would make our Nation proud.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Racing to the finish line!

"A federal judge in Ohio granted a request late Tuesday from Senator Barack Obama’s campaign to extend the voting hours in 21 precincts in Cleveland by an extra 90 minutes because of a lack of paper ballots."
First time in history we have a black male Senator, Obama, and a white female Senator, Clinton, running for a position on the Presidential ballad and what do you know? Well, Ohio did not have enough ballads for their primary run. Paper ballads were offered to anyone who wanted to use them because of the concern about the fairness of computer voting systems. Apparently the amount of voters were not taken into thought and because of the overwhelming amount of voters there wasn't enough paper ballads. Officials were not expecting a huge turn out... the only thing I can say to that is ... Did we have this same situation the last several runs of Presidential Primaries? Is this something that happends often? Both those answers are no. End result... new situation, new possibilities... it would only make sense to have extras so that planning for the unexpected would be taken into consideration and you wouldn't have to extend voting hours. I think it was deliberate so that there could be extra voting times. But, that is only my opinion.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

"Obama touts ideas, Clinton pushes results"

For the debate that transpired on the evening of February 21st I'm sure that all of us who watched or read about it on the internet were thinking it resembles pretty much every debate we've ever heard of or attempted to watch. For me, I sat there and watched this debate and laughed at the fact that pretty much every thing that Hilary Clinton said, Obama had to say as well. The only difference between the two saying it was that Obama was only slightly rewording the phrases. Yes, it does seem that Clinton and Obama have alot in common and that they share alot of the same ideas and polocies; but where is the rub? In my own personal opinion, I feel that if someone wants to run for the office of President then they would need something better than agreeing words. For example, instead of stating a reworded polocy or idea, think of your own polocy or idea that is just as much of an issue as the others that the other side of the debate table has. We are all human and surely there are more issues that the people of this nation are concerned about, not just the War or tax relief. Believe it or not; ever presidential debate that this nation has held talks about the same things. Health Care, Taxes, War and Homes.
For a nation that is making choices on what people promise is something that has always been. However, I believe that Clinton will do much more than just promise. She seems committed to making things happen and shows that she is ready to hold this office and make things happen. Once again, more promises but she's convincing.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Tough Times for the Democrats

The New York Times reported that the battle between Obama and Clinton are drawing ever more close in numbers. By reading this news link, it is showing that Senator Hilary Clinton is losing the momentum for the votes that she needs whereas, Obama is actually gaining momentum. Clinton's advisors are trying to orchestrate a debate against Clinton and Obama because of the broadcast momentum Clinton has. Strong numbers are keeping these two candidates very close in elections. There really is no telling where this will lead. In my personal opinion, I hope Hilary Clinton wins. Texas just might hold merit in this voting scale. According to the news report, "nationally, Mrs. Clinton held an edge among women, whites and older voters, as she had in earlier contests, according to early results from exit polls in 16 states". Also, roughly six out of every ten hispanics seem to vote for Clinton. Considering the population diversity in Texas; we just might see the scale tip towards Clinton rather than Obama.
You be the judge. <(*^_^*)>