We know that during every election you will always hear how the candidates want to better the United States and the citizens. However, I believe that with Hilary Clinton we will actually see results. Not counting her husband's distasteful scandals; Bill Clinton actually helped this nation with medical assistance and tax breaks. Similar can be said for the current Bush in office but once can also argue that he was more focused on the battle against Iraq than the main issues.
However, back to the topic at hand. I believe that Hilary will be a great choice for being placed on the ballad and also being elected to the President office. She will be able to obtain approvals for polocies and ideas that can help this nation.
From Wikipedia there is a statment showing some of her accomplishments and activities as well as other parts of her past. Quoted directly from Wikipedia: "In 1997 and 1999, Clinton played a role in advocating for the establishment of the State Children's Health Insurance Program, the Adoption and Safe Families Act, and the Foster Care Independence Act. She became the only First Lady to be subpoenaed, testifying before a federal grand jury as a consequence of the Whitewater controversy in 1996. She was never charged with any wrongdoing in this or several other investigations during her husband's administration. The state of her marriage to Bill Clinton was the subject of considerable public discussion following the Lewinsky scandal in 1998."
She has had enough accomplishments and ideas be recommended for the President's chair and I believe she would make our Nation proud.
I think you mean ballot* not ballad
Hilary for President
Although it is easy for people to say, "its time for a female president" or the like. My reasons for agreeing with Kris on Hilary for president is different. Hilary was one of the original people to suggest universal health care, although her plan has changed since it tells you how strong she feels about it. Sen. Obama has one punch line that he uses to attack Sen. Clinton is that he didn't vote for the Iraq war. But if you read Sen.Obama's book "The Audacity of Hope" he also believed in the Iraq war and believe that the Bush administration was honestly trying to do there best, but was approaching it the wrong way. We as humans always reject the idea of war, unless it is in our interest, as do Republicans and Democrats. Voting for a war with limited information, or not voting on a war with limited information are equally wrong. Also the determination she has showed during this election has proved to be fit for a president, not only has she defended negative attacks, but have admitted to mistakes. Something that Sen. Obama has yet to do.
I read this article and I disagree with the author. The author bases her argument on the fact that Senator Clinton’s husband was a good president and that Mrs. Clinton herself was in fact a good wife. Gee Golly throw in a Wikipedia quote and we got ourselves a bonafide candidate ready to take on GOP and all the forces of evil. Wouldn’t that be nice though? I don’t believe that Mrs. Clinton would make a good candidate for the democrats or any other party. I don’t understand how a candidate can plan on winning the election against the republicans if she can’t even get her own party behind her. I also find it outrageous that her years as the First Lady somehow count as “experience”. I know sleeping with Mr. Clinton every once and awhile can indeed be a grueling task but surely that does not qualify her to be the commander and chief of the most powerful nation in the world.
Also the Author comments on the electability of Mrs. Clinton. I find that to be rubbish. While a viable candidate I do believe the Senator will have a rough time going head to head with Sen. McCain. If you look at the history of this race Mrs. Clinton was doing fairly well in all the primaries until she started to lag behind Sen. Obama. I don’t believe that Mrs. Clinton lost any support I believe that Sen. Obama gained all of John Edwards’s supporters. Not because of his dashing good looks or his nice teeth but because these new Obama supporter are not supporting Sen. Obama they are in fact opposing Sen. Clinton.
All this aside I have no personal problem with Mrs. Clinton. I am just frightened by the outrageous level of gullibility the American people has. We should not be electing candidates because of their last names. Am I the only one who finds that dynastic and undemocratic? Am I the only one who doesn’t want there kids and grandkids having trouble learning the correct order of the Bush/Clinton/Bush/Clinton series? These are not the values that I wish to pass on. We are a nation that does not recognize birth rights and I’d like to keep it that way.
In conclusion we as Democrats need to stop jacking around and get behind Senator Obama before we have four more years of the GOP (Even though John McCain is by far the best republican choice we had). Mr. and Mrs. Clinton do look very tired these days and we need to move on get some fresh blood in the presidency. What we need is some change we can believe in!
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